13 Februari 2009


1. Informasi tertentu adalah suatu jenis pertanyaan dimana jawaban sudah tersedia pada bacaan dan di dapat tanpa penelaahan lebih lanjut.
2. Informasi rinci tersurat adalah suatu jenis pertanyaan dimana jawaban sudah tersedia pada bacaan tetapi harus melalui penelaahan dan pengambilan kesimpulan.
3, Informasi rinci tersirat adalah suatu jenis pertanyaan dimana jawaban tidak tersedia pada bacaan dan harus melalui penelaahan dan/atau pengambilan kesimpulan.

12 Februari 2009

P TAHUN 2009

1. Which one is the best place to put this notice?
a. Around the forest area.
b. In the supermarket.
c. At the gas station.
d. In a lavatory.

To Eno,
In this sacred and glorious moment, Let me ask you
for apologizing me for all my mistakes I have made to you.
"Happy 'Idul Fitri Day 1430 H"

from your best friend,

2. What is the relationship between Ardi and Eno?
a. relatives.
b. lovers.
c. husband and wife.
d. friends.

3. When probably will Ardi send this message?
a. After Idul Fitri Day.
b. During Idul Fitri Day.
c. Before Idul Fitri Day.
d. Every Idul Fitri Day.

4. What is the purpose of the message above?
a. To ask for Eno's apology.
b. To tell the sacred and glorious day.
c. To invite Eno in Idul Fitri gathering.
d. To congratulate Eno in Idul Fitri Day.

Knowing that next week is a big day, we plan to launch a party to
celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary which will be held on :
Day and date : Sunday, June 11, 2009
Time : 4 pm - end
Place : Ballroom of JW Marriot Hotel
453 Kingstone Avenue California

We do hope you could come and we will really appreciate it.

Jack and Jill

5. How long do Jack and Jill become husband and wife?
a. 25 years
b. 29 years
c. 15 years
d. 10 years

6. Why will Jack and Jill have an event in JW Marriot Hotel California?
a. To celebrate their togetherness in marriage.
b. To show off their wealth.
c. To ask for people's blessing.
d. To have a wedding ceremony.


Prohibited to swim during high tide.
It has taken many lives if insisting.
10 am until 1 pm is the best time for swimming.

7. How long can the visitors swim safely on that beach a day ?
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. All day long

8. Why can't the visitors on that beach swim during high tide?
a. The beach has many poisonous jelly fish.
b. The life guards are absent.
c. The high tide is dangerous and has taken casualties.
d. The beach is too deep.

9. What is the closest meaning of "safely" ?
a. carefully
b. securely
c. lonely
d. dangerously


Rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrows in the ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossils which can be attributed to this family came from North America, but now they are found in every part of the world. compared to its small body, rabbit has large-sized ears.
A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore, nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfer them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.
You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface on its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

(taken from Children Knowledge Bank)

10. Where were the first fossils of rabbits discovered based on the text?
a. In South Africa
b. In South America
c. In every part of the world
d. In the prairies of North Carolina

11. Where can a rabbit get the vitamin D?
a. from the surface of its ears.
b. from its mouth.
c. from its forepaws.
d. from its bones.

12. What do you know about rabbits based on the text?
a. Rabbits are small but dangerous animal.
b. They live in burrows with other families.
c. Rabbits' ears can detect the presence of their enemies.
d. They always rub their ears because they are dirty.


On my last school holiday, my classmates and I went to Borobudur. The Borobudur Temple is really magnificent. The hugeness of the temple really impressed me. How could our ancestors build such a big temple? It was amazing.
In the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Walking around in the temple, we saw many reliefs on the temple walls. Some foreigners seemed interested in them. I overheard their conversation with the guide. Actually, the relief tells a story.
I also tried to touch one of the statues inside the "stupa". It's a big and large stone with many crafted holes covering the statue. Some people say that if I can reach it, all my wish can come true.
Before I left Borobudur, I bought some local handicrafts for souvenirs, but I was a little bit disappointed because they are expensive.
It was really a nice experience!

13. Who built Borobudur?
a. Our ancestors
b. The government
c. The conservators
d. The king in its era.

14. What is the writer's opinion about the Borobudur temple?
a. The foreigners know nothing about it.
b. It is a magnificent and famous man-made landmark.
c. The ancestors might be very exhausted when building this temple.
d. There should be an elevator to reach the top of it.

15. What is the closest meaning of "magnificent"?
a. incredible
b. valuable
c. precious
d. unbelievable

10 Februari 2009

Penjabaran SKL dan kisi-kisi Ujian Nasional kelas 9 SMP

Untuk nomor :
1. Menentukan setting dari suatu caution.
2. Informasi rinci tersurat dari greeting card.
3. Informasi tersirat dari pesan pendek.
4. Tujuan komunikatif text dari pesan pendek.
5. Informasi tertentu dari invitation.
6. Tujuan komunikatif text dari invitation.
7. Infomasi rinci tersurat dari sebuah announcement.
8. Informasi tertentu dari sebuah announcement.
9. Makna kata dari sebuah announcement.
10. Infomasi tertentu dari sebuah text descriptive tentang hewan peliharaan.
11. Informasi rinci tersurat dari text descriptive tentang hewan peliharaan.
12. Gambaran umum dari text descriptive tentang hewan peliharaan.
13. Informasi tertentu dari text recount tentang kegiatan liburan.
14. Informasi rinci dari text recount tentang kegiatan liburan.
15. Makna kata dari text recount tentang kegiatan liburan.
16. Informasi tertentu dari text procedure tentang makanan.
17. Informasi rinci tersurat dari text procedure tentang makanan.
18. Makna kata yang digaris bawahi dari text procedure tentang makanan.
19. Informasi rinci tersurat dari text narative tentang fabel.
20. Rujukan kata dari text narative tentang fabel.
21. Pesan moral dari text narative.
22. Informasi tersirat dari text narative tentang fabel.
23. Informasi tertentu dari text pendek tentang label makanan.
24. Makna kata dari label tentang makanan.
25. Informasi tertentu dari text descriptive tentang tempat tertentu.
26. Makna kata dari text descriptive tentang tempat tertentu.
27. Gambaran umum dari text recount tentang pengalaman pribadi.
28. Gagasan utama dari text recount tentang pengalaman pribdi.
29. Informasi tersirat dari text recount tentang pengalaman pribadi.
30. Informasi tertentu dari text report tentang binatang.
31. informasi rinci tersurat dari text report tentang binatang.
32. Gambaran umum dari text report tentang binatang.
33. Makna kata dari text report tentang binatang.
34. Informasi tertentu dari iklan tentang restoran atau hotel.
35. Informasi rinci tersurat dari iklan tentang restoran atau hotel.
36. Makna kata dari sebuah iklan tentang restoran atau hotel.
37. Informasi tertentu dari sebuah surat tentang rencana yang akan dilakukan.
38. Informasi rinci tersurat dari sebuah surat tentang rencana yang akan dilakukan.
39. Rujukan kata dari sebuah surat tentang rencana yang akan dilakukan.
40. Makna kata dari sebuah surat tentang rencana yang akan dilakukan.
41. Informasi tertentu dari text procedure tentang pengoperasian alat elektronik.
42. Gambaran umum dari text procedure tentang pengoperasian alat elektronik.
43. Informasi tersirat dari text procedure tentang pengoperasian alat elektronik.
44. Mengisi rumpang dari text report menggunakan kata kerja.
45. Mengisi rumpang dari text report menggunakan kata benda.
46. Mengisi rumpang dari text report menggunakan kat keterangan.
47. Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat berbentuk imperative.
48. Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat berbentuk compound.
49. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph berbentuk narative (5-8 kalimat).
50. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph berbentuk recount (5-8 kalimat).

Typed by : Ina