11 Desember 2009


  2. NG : 3 = NILAI RAPORT (NR)



09 Desember 2009


Catatan :
  1. Untuk siswa yang belum memenuhi KKM pada test 4, remedial ditentukan kemudian.
  2. Tugas pengganti remedial tes sebelumnya dan tugas untuk memenuhi nilai yang kosong paling lambat dikumpulkan tanggal 12 Desember 2009.
  3. Bagi yang tidak menyelesaikan tugas tepat pada waktunya, dimungkinkan nilai di buku raport KOSONG.

19 November 2009

Gambar2 untuk tugas 20 Nov 2009

no. 6 no. 7

no. 8 no. 10

no. 12 n0. 15

Tugas untuk kelas 7a dan 7b tanggal 20 Nov 2009


1. Deny : ………Ali like playing volleyball?

Doddy : Yes, He likes it very much.

  1. Do
  2. Does
  3. Are
  4. Were

2. Deny : Where does he play volleyball?

Doddy : He ………it at school.

  1. played
  2. playing
  3. plays
  4. play

3. Deny : How often does he play volleyball?

Doddy : I play it ………..a week.

  1. once
  2. an
  3. one
  4. -

4. Deny : Do you and Ali play guitar, Dod?

Doddy : No, We …. .We can’t play musical instrument. Can you play it?

  1. doesn’t
  2. don’t
  3. am not
  4. didn’t

5. Deny : Yes, I love music. I like R & B, pop, and rock. What about you?

Doddy : I like pop, but I ……….dangdut.

  1. love
  2. am fond of
  3. enjoy
  4. dislike

6. Which one is correct based on the picture?

  1. Ali is playing football
  2. Darmo is swimming
  3. Septian is singing a song
  4. Nanang’s cooking.

7. What is the boy doing?
  1. He is camping.
  2. He is fixing the radio.
  3. He is listening to the radio
  4. He is watching TV.

8. I like keeping a pet at home. There’s a ………at home.

  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. chicken
  4. duck

9. I don’t keep a cat and a/an ………….altogether. They can not get along.

  1. cow
  2. buffalo
  3. dog
  4. kittens

10. What is this?

  1. banana
  2. watermelon
  3. mango
  4. grapes

11. Monkeys usually like ………………….

  1. banana
  2. pineapple
  3. coconut
  4. jackfruit

12. My mother likes to make me ………juice. It’s very nutritious. It contains vitamin C.

  1. avocado
  2. star fruit
  3. orange
  4. lemon

13. Which one is not vegetable?

  1. rope
  2. cabbage
  3. carrot
  4. spinach

14. My hobby is ……………. . There’re flowers and vegetables in the garden.

  1. reading books.
  2. gardening.
  3. cooking.
  4. camping.

15. Women like flowers. What flower is this?

  1. rose
  2. jasmine
  3. chamomile
  4. tulip

I have a sister. (16) …….name is Indri. (17) ………...likes playing video games. She(18)……… a Play Station 2 at home. Her game collections are cool. She (19) …………playing football video game. She has (20) …………Winning Eleven CDs for his football game collection. What about you? (21) ………….. you like playing video games?

16. a. His

b. Her

c. My

d. Our

17. a. She

b. He

c. I

d. We

18. a. has

b. have

c. having

d. had

19. a. loves

b. reads

c. buys

d. drinks

20. a. any

b. a little

c. a tin of

d. some

21. a. Does

b. Are

c. Is

d. Do

Read the text carefully and choose the correct answers.

Maggie has a couple of kittens. They are very cute. She sometimes cuddles and rubs them. The kittens sleep in the box in her bedroom. She also feeds them every day. They like canned fish very much.

One day, Maggie and her sister went to her aunt’s house. She asked her brother, Jack, to feed her kittens. Jack does not like kittens. He does not like pets. He likes playing football. That day he played football all day long in his neighborhood. When Maggie came back, Jack was not at home. He was in his friend’s house.

The kittens were hungry and kept meowing. Jack forgot to feed them. Maggie was very sad.

22. What do the kittens love to eat?

  1. boxes
  2. canned fish
  3. football
  4. neighborhood

23. What does Jack enjoy to do?

  1. cuddle the kittens
  2. feed the kittens
  3. play football
  4. sleep in the box

24. Where did Maggie go so that she could not feed the cats?

  1. to her sister
  2. to her brother
  3. to her aunt
  4. to the neighbor

25. What is meant by KITTEN?
  1. kucing
  2. anak kucing
  3. ikan
  4. anak ikan

26. What is this man’s job?

  1. a doctor
  2. a postman
  3. an astronaut
  4. a teacher

27. To make this burger, we need …………….sugar.

  1. a box of
  2. a pack of
  3. a kilo of
  4. a slice of

28. My mother bought ……………shampoo in the market.

  1. a dozen
  2. a tin of
  3. a bar of
  4. a sachet of

29. What can we find in a bathroom?

  1. a pack of cigarettes.
  2. a bucket of paint.
  3. a tube of toothpaste
  4. a piece of cake.

30. Jim : How can we learn to cook?

Tom : By reading the………………….

  1. novel
  2. recipe book
  3. journal
  4. report

23 Oktober 2009


Data Nilai ini adalah Untuk siswa SMP Negeri 1 Sumber Cirebon Kelas 7A, B, C, dan D. Nilai ini sudah di kali 2. Bagi yang nilainya di bawah KKM dicetak dalam warna merah dan tidak di kali 2. Remedial akan menyusul.

11 September 2009

Selamat Lebaran


tugas untuk siswa yang belum memiliki nilai atau yang belum memenuhi KKM

Berikut ini adalah daftar siswa yang belum memiliki nilai tertentu dan atau belum memenuhi KKM, serta tugas yang harus diselesaikan.
Tugas dikumpulkan selambat-lambatnya 1 (satu) minggu sebelum UAS.
Apabila siswa lalai dalam mengerjakan tugas, maka nilai raport B. Inggrisnya akan dikosongkan.

07 Agustus 2009



31 Juli 2009

The Answers of the riddles.

1. Snake.
2. Garbage can.
3. Sky.
4. Titik or Samili.
5. Cat.

Tugas Riddles sudah berakhir. Bagi yang tidak mengerjakan, tunggu tugas tambahan berikutnya.
Be diligent or you'll be left behind.
Mr. Yayat

22 Juli 2009


Answer these riddles!
1. It doesn't have legs. But I become the symbol of drugstore.
2. Sometimes I'm entirely yellow and I eat everything.
3. If I look up, I never have roofs.
4. I have the shortest name in the world (Indonesian).
5. Everyone says I have nine lives.

Jawaban silakan berikan di comment pada blog ini. Masing2 soal bernilai 2. Dig in, guys!

14 Juni 2009





29 Mei 2009





Informasi ini ttg nilai siswa/i SMP Negeri 1 Sumber Cirebon yg sudah mengerjakan tugas baik sebagian atau seluruhnya. Data yg sudah ter-rekapitulasi akan selalu di-update. Mohon bersabar bagi yang belum muncul nilai-nilai tugasnya.

Mr. Yayat

23 Mei 2009



Kacaritakeun dina hiji poe di bulan Juli Desa Cigayam Kacamatan Dawuan Majalengka kadatangan saurang bule ti Amerika. Manehna datang ka tempat ieu pedah diajak ku babaturanna nu guru basa Inggris. Ngaran guru eta nyaeta Pa Cecep. Ari si bule ngaranna Steve.
Ari si Steve mah resep-resep bae diajakan ulin sabab manehna panasaran pisan kana kahirupan jalma nu di desa kusabab pastina manehna bakal manggihan hal-hal anu pastina beda jeung nu aya di nagarana.
Dua poe katukang, saprakna dibejaan yen manehna rek diajak ulin, si Steve katempona mani bungaheun pisan. Katempo tina persiapanna mimiti tina baju nu rek dipakena, tunyu-tanya ka pa Cecep soal kalakuan nu pantes lamun manehna aya di ditu, sampe kana basa sunda nu kudu manehna bias paling henteu soal ngenalkeun sorangannana. Anu pasti si Steve geus teu sabar pisan nungguan kana eta poe.
Di tanggal 12 Juli, bari naek kana mobil pribadi nu ngan 1000 cc mesinna, si Steve jeung Pa Cecep mangkat ka desa. Sajajalan loba obrolan nu nyieun perjalanan teu karasa lila. Memang si Steve teh jalmana rada cerewet. Tapi lumayan oge jang ngagantikeun radio tape nu kabeneran keur rada teu bener. Salain eta, aya untungna oge si Steve milu kusabab Pa Cecep oge keur nyoba ngalancarkeun kamampuan ngomong basa Inggrisna.
Teu karasa perjalanan sa jam teh ka tempat tujuan. Ngahaja kadatangan ka Cigayam teu dibejakeun ka urang lembur. Pa Cecep hayang nyaho kumaha reaksina Aki jeung emang-emang nu aya di lembur lamun si Pa Cecep mamawa bule kadinya. Pastina araneheun. Bener bae barang mobil kakarek abus ka jalan leutik nu rek ka imah aki loba barudak leutik teu lalaki teu awewe naluturkeun ditukangeun mobil. Aya oge ibu-ibu bari jeung ngangais budak miluan ti tukangna. Pokona mah asa manggihan tontoneun nu jarang aya di TV. Mani asa keur sunatan bari jeung diarak-arak ngurilingan desa.
Ari nu di imah, Aki nempo loba jalma nutur-nutur mobil incuna tangtu bae si Aki aneheun. Bet geuning tara-tara ti sasari. Biasana oge lamun aya incuna ulin ka imah teu aya anu nutur-nutur. Ieu ieu geuning beda. Aya naon meureun gerentesna.
Barang pas mobil eureun di hareupeun imah, saturunna Pa Cecep jeung Steve ti mobil kakara si Aki rada ngajenghok. Meren dina pipikiranna aya uang Walanda kasasar. Si Aki ngan ngadon ngajanteng bari mikiran kudu ngomong naon. Boro-boro basa Inggris, basa Indonesia bae teu bisaeun. Untungna bae si Pa Cecep buru-buru nyalaman si Aki bari nayakeun kabar anjeunna.

“Yai, kumaha damang? Kagetnya abdi ngabantun rerencangan?”, tanya Pa Cecep.

“Enya. Tara biasana ari ulin bari mamawa batur maneh teh, Cep”. Cek si Aki.

“Ieu Yai, abdi kadieu teh kaleresan hoyong ngajak rencang bule supados terang kahirupan urang desa”. “Anjeunna nembe saminggu di Indonesia. Kenalan abdi di internet. Saurna anjeunna nuju liburan didamel. Anjeunna hoyong terang Indonesia teh jiga kumaha.”

“Urang mana cenah?” tanya si Aki ka Pa Cecep.
Pa Cecep teu geura ngajawab tapi manehna malah ngabejaan ka Steve naon anu ditanyakeun ku si Aki.

“Steve, my grandpa ask me where you are from. Can you tell it by yourself? Just like what I’ve told you before.” omong Pa Cecep.

“Okay. Punten bapa, nepangkeun abdi Steve. Abdi urang Amerika. Abdi mah jelema belegug” cek si Steve ngomongna bari make logat Inggris nu kentel jeung ngayakinkeun.

Ngadenge jawaban si Steve, sontak bae jarelema nu aya di dinya sareuri mani nu ngeunah. Si Steve nu teu ngartieun pipiluanan seuri. Manehna nganggep eta teh adat urang dinya.

“Aduh Stip, maneh teh bisaan-bisaan teuing. Kakarek ge samenit geus bisa ngomong Sunda.” Cek si Aki bari seuri ngeuhkeuy.

“Pa Cecep, what did he say?” tanya Steve.

“He told you that your Sundanese language is good.” Jawab Pa Cecep.

“Nuhun...nuhun.” beja si Steve.

Saterusna daek teu daek Pa Cecep kudu jadi panerjemah ti Inggris ka Sunda jeung sabalikna. Katempona si Steve ngarasa resepeun ngobrol jeung urang lembur. Manehna ngarasakeun asa tamu anu dipihormat. Sababara kali manehna ngomong ka pa Cecep soal karamahan urang Sunda nu keur diobrolan ku manehna.

“They are so friendly and hospitable. Even all people want me to stay overnight in their house” kecap si Steve.

“It’s only a little thing you see today. You’ll even see more later.” Jawab Pa Cecep.

Kakarek oge Steve ngecap kitu, ujug-ujug rarayna pias. Matana rada nyipitan tanda manehna kasieunan. Di hareupeun di ti kajauhan manehna nempo aya sarombongan bapa-bapa jeung barudak ngora mamawa bedog, arit, jeung pacul. Maranehna leumpang bari ngagaridig kawas nu gurung gusuh. Raray maranehannana harideung bari kararesangan. Sasakali aya nu ngacung-ngacungkeun bedog.

Aya naon? Tungguan sambungan carita ieu dina sanes waktos.



Examples :
Open the door.
Sit down.
Close your book.
Erase the whiteboard.
Move aside a little.

Pattern :
Inf (Verb1) + Complement, (please)

Get some chili for me.
Bring my books, please. They are heavy.
Inf + comple.

Throw the ball to your friend on the left.
on the right
in front

Other examples

1. Come forward.
2. Move backward a little.
3. Open page 45.
4. Sing louder.
5. Be careful.
6. Clean your room.
7. Show me your cell phone.
8. Put away the equipments.
9. Buy me a bowl of meatball.
10. Gather with your own group.
11. Go back to your seats.
12. Do the test as the instructions say.
13. Submit your works and take a break.
14. Choose the correct answers.
15. Do it yourself.
16. Give another answers.
17. Make the conclusion.
18. Make the summary.

Practice :

Situation :
The teacher is going to conduct a test. Give some expressions using imperatives.
1. Tear off some paper for the answer sheet, please.
2. Do it well and carefully.
3. Do it by yourself.
4. Write your name and classcode.
5. Do the easier parts first.
6. Pay attention to the time limit.
7. Use your time wisely.
8. Check your answers before you submit your answer sheet.
9. Use your own stationary.
10. Collect your work after finishing the test.

• Other examples :
1. Put only a piece of paper on the table.
2. Keep all your books in the drawer.
3. Keep clean.
4. Keep silent. National Exam is in progress.


• Example :
• Don’t disturb your friend.
• Don’t ever open up porn sites.
• Don’t forget to submit your work tomorrow.
• Don’t cheat.
• Don’t chat.
• Don’t make a noise.
• Don’t be noisy.

Pattern : Don’t + verb 1/be + complement

Situation :
The teacher is going to conduct a test. Give some expressions using negative imperatives.

• Don’t ask the answers to your friends.
• Don’t borrow the stationary from your friends.
• Don’t waste your time.
• Don’t discuss the answers with your friends.
• Don’t forget to write your identity.
• Don’t go to the bathroom too often.
• Don’t use a calculator.
• Don’t open the booklet before the bell rings.
• Don’t write anything on the booklet.
• ……………………………………………

King Oma and Queen Idul


In a kingdom named Dangdang Dudutan, lives a very wealthy and generous king. His territory is very large. His land is famous with its natural resources. His people are prosperous. None of the youngsters stop their study in elementary school. Even the kingdom gives scholarships for his people who want to continue his study in Doctoral degree. The king himself has a doctoral degree. He is very handsome. He is also muscular and in a good shape. The king’s name is Omah Iramah.

“My people must be smart! They must study until the end! I don’t want our kingdom crawls and being left behind by other empires. Let them study for free.” ordered the king.

One day, the king and some bodyguards, such as Aa Rai, Bung Napi, and Kentung, were riding horses in their hunting trip. They were hunting down Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker. Then, something came up. Suddenly, a very big tiger passed in front of them. The tiger was just passing, but the horses were shocked and terrified. They neighed fearfully and stood on two of their back legs so that the king fell on the ground. The bodyguards helped him right away.

“Are you alright, your majesty? Are you hurt? Which one is hurt, sire?” said his bodyguards.

Fortunately, the king only had light injury. There were only some scratches on his bottom, but he was alright. So the king was taken back to the castle.

But something strange happened. Since the accident, the king became so moody. He never smiled since then. He lost his appetite, and he didn’t want to do his hobby anymore.

“Your majesty, please eat some. We don’t want our king to be sick.” said Prince Ariel Belerman and Princess Agnes Moniroo.

“Leave me alone. Don’t disturb me.” exclaimed the king.

It had been a week and the king mysterious illness had not been recovered. Some doctors had been sent and tried to cure him, but none was successful. Everybody in the castle was confused and frustrated. They asked to themselves how long it would last.

One day, Prince Ariel was running to the palace. He seemed so happy. He wanted to tell every member of the family about what he dreamed last night.

“Folks, I dreamed last night. In my dream, there was an old man with long thick beard wearing white robe came to me. He said that father’s illness can be healed.” said Prince Ariel.

“Oh, ya. How?” asked Princess Agnes curiously.

“In the dream, we must invite a queen from Java Island. The queen has a healing power to make anyone happy. She has a unique way in curing someone. She is not only famous in her kingdom, but also in her neighboring countries.”

“How can we invite her?” said the Prime Minister.

“Officially, and don’t forget money, money, money.” answered the prince.

“We can arrange that. By the way, what’s her name? Princess Agnes asked.

“Idul Daranista”

A week later, the queen came. Everybody was very hopeful waiting for her. They were so worried if she could not make it.

After resting for a while, Idul asked the prime minister to take her to the king.

“Where’s the king, sir? asked Idul.

“Right over here, ma’am. Let me take you there.” answered the prime minister.

In front of the king, Idul hurriedly prepared everything. She asked the butler to find a stereo. The king just stared indifferently. When everything was ready, she inserted a magical cassette to the stereo and the king’s bedroom became so lively. Idul began to dance. Firstly, she moved her body, then bent her arms, nodded her head, and when the music got hotter, she began to show her magical movement. It was very very attractive. It was a drilling move. It was slow in the beginning, then it became faster and faster. That was why the king was startled. His mouth was opened, and he could not blink his eyes. Then suddenly he laughed very loudly.

“Ha…ha…ha…. It’s like my mother’s movement when she is playing hoola hoop. But this one is more interesting. Ha…ha…ha…..”

“Listen, the king is laughing. He’s been recovered. Thanks God!” said Prince Ariel and Princess Agnes Moniroo.

“Well, guys. I’ve done my job. I think your king is alright now. Then I can not stay any longer here. I still have things to do in my neighboring country, Singaparna. I’m sure you have arranged my payment.” said Idul.

“Oh, off course. Anyway we are very grateful to you. How will it be if there’s no you here. Thanks a lot.” said Princess Agnes.

From the distance, suddenly the king said charismatically, “Idul, please don’t go. Stay here for a few more days.”

“Sorry, king. I can’t. If you miss me, just buy my CD. Okay?” said the queen.

Since then, the king is back to normal. He likes to listen to Idul’s songs through a singing box and watch her miraculous living pictures. They can only listen to her songs. He said that this can make his people play jokes at his mother.

What a king.



Polly, the grasshopper lived in a bug’s village. But no bugs liked him because he was very arrogant. He always thought himself as the richest bug in the village.

One day, when he was walking along the village, he met Beebee, the bee. Beebee greeted him, but as usual he never answered any bugs greeting.

“What an arrogant bug he is!” grumbles Beebee.

And also when he saw Neenee, an old ladybug fell on the road. He did not help her. He let the old lady alone. He did not pity her.

“Polly, please help me. I’m hurt.” Ask Neenee. But Polly just grinned. He did nothing, just grinned. So Neenee tried herself to stand up unsteadily.

Several days later, Polly bought a motorcycle. He showed it off to the villagers.

“They will be jealous seeing that I have a motorcycle.” said himself.

When he was riding his new motorcycle, he saw Any, the ant was riding his bicycle.

“Ha…ha…ha…., it’s time for me to mock him. I’m gonna surprise him”

So then he pushed the horn so loudly. It made Any surprised even shocked and he stumbled on to the road. And his bicycle hit the tree and it was badly damage. Fortunately Any was alright.

“God damn it, you ugly stinking Polly!! Said Any angrily.

Polly laughed cheerfully seeing Any fell from his bike. He just kept going on his motorbike. When he passed by a little worm playing with his toys, he ran over his toys and he let him crying all alone.

Father worm saw that and he got very mad.

“You ugly son of a gun, Polly! Come here. Don’t run away!” Father worm shouted.

So, father worm tried to persuade his weeping son.

“Don’t cry, son. Don’t worry, I’ll make that one again for you. It will even be more beautiful than before.” Said father worm.

Arrogantly, Polly increased the speed. His motorbike ran very fast then. But he forgot that he could not ride it very well. So his motorbike fell into the river.

Fortunately, Polly could swim whereas his bike drowned into the river. He hurt. His head was bumped on the stone. He was wounded on his head.

“How pity I am. I lost my new bike.” Said Polly sadly.

Trying very hard to walk to the village, he came over Beebee’s house. He told everything. So Beebee help him to bandage his wound. Polly was very grateful that Beebee had helped him. He also apologized to Beebee, because he had hurt his heart. And Beebee said:

“Being a creature, we must not be arrogant and selfish. It’s not a good manner.” advised Beebee to Polly.

Polly realized and promised he would never be arrogant and selfish anymore. Helped by the villagers, Beebee tried to pull Polly’s motorbike from the water.

Now, Polly’s personality has changed. He is friendly and helpful among bugs. Every bug loves him.



Once upon a time in a very large jungle, there’s a big strong grey bull. He has a big body and strong muscles. He also has a pair of sharp horns. Because of his strength, He becomes arrogant and cruel.

“I am the mighty bull. I’m the strongest animal in this jungle. No animal can compare me. Ha…ha…ha…..”

One day, a young deer is eating some fresh and nutritious grass. The grass is very thick and the deer eats it very happily. Then suddenly the bull comes near her. With a very loud voice the bull scolds her.

“Hey, what the hell are you doing here? This is my soil. Beat it or I’ll butt you right away. Piss off, you ugly deer!!”

Fearfully, the deer goes away leaving the mean bull. The bull laughs seeing the frightened innocent deer.
“Ha….ha….ha….what a coward. Hmm, let me see this grass. Wow, it’s so tasty and very fresh”.

What happened with the poor young deer?
When walking to her home, she met a lion. Every animal knows that lion is the king of the jungle. So she tells him everything to the lion. After knowing the story of the poor deer, he decides to look for the bull.

As a king, lion feels very responsible for the safety and prosperity of his people. He will do his best to protect his kingdom. Therefore when he meets the bull, he

“Hey, bull. You must stop scaring my people. It’s bad. It’s even very cruel. Don’t ever do that again!” said the lion.

“So what, old lion? You know I’m the strongest animal in this jungle. I’m not afraid of you. If you don’t like me, let’s just fight. Winner takes all.”

Hearing this challenge, lion gets very mad. He is a good fighter, but at that time he forgets all the things that he’s ever learned. He’s too emotional. At one chance, the bull can butt the lion. The lion throws far away. He has been beaten and he becomes limp.

So then the bull gets even more arrogant. Every time he meets the other animals he always says: “Your king is a looser. I’ve defeated him. Now, I’m the king of the jungle”. Since that time, the bull chose himself as the king.

The animals do not like to see the bull became a king. But they don’t have guts to oppose him.

“I’m gonna give a lesson to this arrogant animal.” says the rabbit to the tortoise. The rabbit is very well-known as a smart animal in the jungle. He’s clever and very tricky.

Then the rabbit gathers his fellow animals to make a plan. His friends agree because the bull has made things bad to them.

One day when the bull is walking around the jungle, he meets some animals gathering. There are rabbit, tortoise, chicken, lizard, and deer.

Then the bull shouts. “Why are you all gathering? As a king, I forbid you. Tell me what the heck are you doing here? asks the bull curiously.

“We want to bow to our new king!” answer the animals. The bull sees a coconut tree is being worn beautiful shirt and robe.

“Is this your king?” asks the bull angrily.

“That’s correct. He’s our unbeatable king.” said the rabbit pointing the tree.

Hearing this from the rabbit, how very angry the bull is.

“Make a way, you idiots. I’m gonna beat your king!”. Collecting all his power, he butts the tree with his horns. The tree’s shaking very hard. The coconuts are falling on to the bull’s head and back.

“Ooh, that’s hurt. Forgive me, my lord. Be merciful!” said the bull painfully. “I admit you are the strongest king. I’ll leave your kingdom right away.”

Walking unsteadily, the bull leaves the jungle. Then the animals cheer. They celebrate it.

“It was the trickiest and maddest idea I’ve ever known. I’m really grateful for that.” said the deer.

So, there is no more arrogant bull. And the days are more peaceful since that day.

08 Maret 2009

Waleran Bebadekan

Jawabane kuh :

siji : Gajahlah Kebersihan. Coba dideleng ning wadah sungkrah ning pinggir-pinggir dalan atawa kang ning sekolaan.

loro : Agnes Monikah.

telu : Jeremy Monas karo Monas Ratuliu.

papat : Kang Sugiharto Butaurup.

Pemenange : Bapak Yayat tiang Permata Harjamukti Cirebon. Selamet ya, pa. Pemenang keloro karo kang ketelue langka. Pada salah kabeh. Monggo hadiahe dijukut ning kantin Bi Tur sedurunge jam rolas. Luwih sing jam kuwen, warunge tutup.

Bosen tah basa inggrisan bae?

Cung, Nok. Bosen tah basa inggrisan bae? ya wis. Istirahat bae dingin ya? sekien bebadekan bae tah? Siap durung? Kih pertanyaanne :

Siji : Gajah apa kan warnae kadang kuning kadang ijo?

Loro : Sapa artise kang pengen kawin tapi beli kawin-kawin?

Telu : Pasangan artis sapa kang paling duwur awake?

Papat : Lamun ngundang wong Batak ngomonge bang, lamun ning wong jawa ngundange mas,
lamun wong Cerbon ngundange aang, wong sunda ngundange kang. Pertanyaanne :
Sapa ngarane diundange Kang tapi asal bapae wong Batak , emboke wong Jawa.
Uwonge akeh duit tapi oon alias guoblok.

Jawaban olih dikirim aken ning komentar bebadekan kien. Hadiahe :
  1. Kang bisa jawab siji olih ciki kang satusan. Siji bae.
  2. Kang bisa jawab loro olih tas menggo blanja alias kantong kresek. Siji bae.
  3. Kang bisa jawab telu olih meluan acara "the Dreamgirls" ning Global TV. Sarate kudu ibu-ibu. Lamun lanang kudu dibengesi dingin.
  4. Kang bisa kabeh olih jaluk apa bae, asal jaluke ning wong tua dewek.
Ngertos? Matur nuwun.

Klalen. Jawaban bebadekan kien bakal diposting beli bakal sue. Tonggoni bae ya?

01 Maret 2009


  1. Make a procedure about cooking Indonesian food individually.
  2. Report about a teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Sumber after interview individually.
  3. Make 5 questions in multiple choice about a text in group max 4.

Submit a week before UN. Score max 9. Write them in your own blog.


1. Make a dialog about a celebrity.
2. Make a report about a celebrity.
3. Write a short fable not more than 5 paragraphs.

submitted a week before UAS. Score maximum 9 for each. Write them in your own blog.

Lanjutan contoh soal-soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP 2009

How to Make Chicken Noodle

Ingredients :
  • 100 gr noodle
  • 2 eggs
  • 20 gr chopped chicken meat
  • cooking oil
  • beef sausage
  • garlic
  • shallot
  • salt
  • seasoning
  • soy bean sauce
  • chili sauce
  • cucumber
  • tomato
Utensils :
  • Wok
  • Spatula
  • Plate
  • Spoon and fork
  • Strainer
How to make it :
  1. Boil the noodle in the wok until soft.
  2. Lift and simmer the noodle.
  3. Heat the cooking oil.
  4. Fry the beaten garlic and sliced shallot until brown.
  5. Break the eggs and stir.
  6. Add a little salt.
  7. Put the noodle into the wok and stir.
  8. Give the chicken and sliced sausage.
  9. Pour some seasoning.
  10. Give soy bean sauce and chili sauce to make it tastier.
  11. Cook them until well.
  12. Lift it and put on the plate.
  13. Garnish with sliced cucumber and tomato.
  14. The food is ready to serve.

16. What do we need to garnish this food?
a. beef sausage
b. cooking oil
c. cucumber and tomato
d. seasoning

17. How much noodle do we need to make this food?
a. 0,1 kilo
b. a quarter kilo
c. a half kilo
d. as much as we like

18. What is the similar expression of "heat the cooking oil"?
a. Fry the oil until dry.
b. Put it under the sun light.
c. Splash the oil on the wok.
d. Pour the oil on the wok with fire under until hot.

The Cunning Old Snake

Once upon a time there was a snake living in the jungle. He was big but old and weak. He was always in hunger most of the time because he couldn't catch a prey anymore.
One day, the snake strolled to look for food and found a pond full of frogs.
"Those frogs looks delicious to eat," he thought. " I wish I can eat them".
Then he tried to approach them. The Frogs of course got very frightened and hurriedly they plunged into the pond and disappeared.
"I've got to find a way how to trick them," thought the snake while closing his eyes and sitting silently. Then he got the idea. He played dead. He breathed very slowly and never moved his body.
Knowing that the snake didn't move at all, the frog prince said to his parents, "Look, he doesn't try to chase us or catch us. Maybe he's dead. Let's see him, guys."
"No, no. Don't do it, son. He will eat you up." said his mother.
But the frog prince did not care his mother's warning. He came near the unmoved snake. He felt a bit braver. Then he pushed the snake a little. Then the snake opened his eyes. The frog prince became frightened again and tried to run.
"Don't be afraid, boy. I won't hurt you."
"I've ever made a mistake biting the son of a monk. So the monk got very angry and cursed me. I can only break the curse if I serve the frogs by carrying them on my back." said the snake.
"Is that so?" asked the foolish frog prince. It seemed that he trusted the snake.
"That's true." said the snake sadly. "I'm your humble servant now. Please hop down to my back, your majesty."
So the frog prince get onto the snake's back. He said, "Take me to my parents' castle."
"Get down from him now!" the queen frog shouted when he saw her son with the snake.
"Don't worry, mom. He won't hurt us. So he told everything about the snake.
"Hmm, then I understand what had happened. I'm happy to have you here, snake." said King and Queen Frog.
The snake felt that the preys were in front of them and he couldn't resist to eat them right away. But he realized that he had to be more patient.
For some days, the snake lived in the frogs' castle and always took them for a stroll on his back everyday. But on a certain day, the snake suddenly stopped crawling. This made the frogs curious. They they asked the snake.
"What's wrong, snake?"
The snake replied, "Your majesty, I haven't eaten food lately. Now I get very hungry. Could you allow me to eat some frogs?"
"What? How can I let you eat my people? asked the King frog.
"Then I will be dead sooner, and I will never take you all on my back again to stroll everyday."
"Well, okay. You may eat some."
So, from that day the snake began to eat the people of the King frog. Of course, the snake became healthier and stronger, but the numbers of frog in the pond were getting smaller.
"Your majesty, today I can't find any frog in the pond. I've looked for them everywhere." said the snake.
"How come?" asked the King.
"I don't know, Your Majesty." replied the snake.
"I think I have eaten all of them."
"Because there's none of them anymore, I am going to eat you now." said the snake.
"How dare you, snake." the King shouted angrily. "I am the king of all frogs."
"I don't care. I'm starving now." the cunning snake replied
So, the snake grabbed and ate the King, the Queen, and the Frog Prince.

19. How many characters are there in this story?
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five

20. "Because there's none of them anymore, I am going to eat you now."
The word "them" in the sentence refers to.....................
a. the Queen and the Frog Prince
b. the people of the King Frog
c. the snake and the people
d. the parents of the Frog Prince

21. From the story, we can learn that ...................................
a. being a fool is horrible.
b. we can do anything to beat our opponents.
c. It's not nice of being hungry.
d. Cunningness is a positive behavior.

22. What do you think about the King Frog's family?
a. They were all fools.
b. They were very friendly to any animals.
c. They sensed danger from the very beginning.
d. They thought the snake a member of their family.

13 Februari 2009


1. Informasi tertentu adalah suatu jenis pertanyaan dimana jawaban sudah tersedia pada bacaan dan di dapat tanpa penelaahan lebih lanjut.
2. Informasi rinci tersurat adalah suatu jenis pertanyaan dimana jawaban sudah tersedia pada bacaan tetapi harus melalui penelaahan dan pengambilan kesimpulan.
3, Informasi rinci tersirat adalah suatu jenis pertanyaan dimana jawaban tidak tersedia pada bacaan dan harus melalui penelaahan dan/atau pengambilan kesimpulan.

12 Februari 2009

P TAHUN 2009

1. Which one is the best place to put this notice?
a. Around the forest area.
b. In the supermarket.
c. At the gas station.
d. In a lavatory.

To Eno,
In this sacred and glorious moment, Let me ask you
for apologizing me for all my mistakes I have made to you.
"Happy 'Idul Fitri Day 1430 H"

from your best friend,

2. What is the relationship between Ardi and Eno?
a. relatives.
b. lovers.
c. husband and wife.
d. friends.

3. When probably will Ardi send this message?
a. After Idul Fitri Day.
b. During Idul Fitri Day.
c. Before Idul Fitri Day.
d. Every Idul Fitri Day.

4. What is the purpose of the message above?
a. To ask for Eno's apology.
b. To tell the sacred and glorious day.
c. To invite Eno in Idul Fitri gathering.
d. To congratulate Eno in Idul Fitri Day.

Knowing that next week is a big day, we plan to launch a party to
celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary which will be held on :
Day and date : Sunday, June 11, 2009
Time : 4 pm - end
Place : Ballroom of JW Marriot Hotel
453 Kingstone Avenue California

We do hope you could come and we will really appreciate it.

Jack and Jill

5. How long do Jack and Jill become husband and wife?
a. 25 years
b. 29 years
c. 15 years
d. 10 years

6. Why will Jack and Jill have an event in JW Marriot Hotel California?
a. To celebrate their togetherness in marriage.
b. To show off their wealth.
c. To ask for people's blessing.
d. To have a wedding ceremony.


Prohibited to swim during high tide.
It has taken many lives if insisting.
10 am until 1 pm is the best time for swimming.

7. How long can the visitors swim safely on that beach a day ?
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. All day long

8. Why can't the visitors on that beach swim during high tide?
a. The beach has many poisonous jelly fish.
b. The life guards are absent.
c. The high tide is dangerous and has taken casualties.
d. The beach is too deep.

9. What is the closest meaning of "safely" ?
a. carefully
b. securely
c. lonely
d. dangerously


Rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrows in the ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossils which can be attributed to this family came from North America, but now they are found in every part of the world. compared to its small body, rabbit has large-sized ears.
A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore, nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfer them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.
You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface on its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets.

(taken from Children Knowledge Bank)

10. Where were the first fossils of rabbits discovered based on the text?
a. In South Africa
b. In South America
c. In every part of the world
d. In the prairies of North Carolina

11. Where can a rabbit get the vitamin D?
a. from the surface of its ears.
b. from its mouth.
c. from its forepaws.
d. from its bones.

12. What do you know about rabbits based on the text?
a. Rabbits are small but dangerous animal.
b. They live in burrows with other families.
c. Rabbits' ears can detect the presence of their enemies.
d. They always rub their ears because they are dirty.


On my last school holiday, my classmates and I went to Borobudur. The Borobudur Temple is really magnificent. The hugeness of the temple really impressed me. How could our ancestors build such a big temple? It was amazing.
In the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Walking around in the temple, we saw many reliefs on the temple walls. Some foreigners seemed interested in them. I overheard their conversation with the guide. Actually, the relief tells a story.
I also tried to touch one of the statues inside the "stupa". It's a big and large stone with many crafted holes covering the statue. Some people say that if I can reach it, all my wish can come true.
Before I left Borobudur, I bought some local handicrafts for souvenirs, but I was a little bit disappointed because they are expensive.
It was really a nice experience!

13. Who built Borobudur?
a. Our ancestors
b. The government
c. The conservators
d. The king in its era.

14. What is the writer's opinion about the Borobudur temple?
a. The foreigners know nothing about it.
b. It is a magnificent and famous man-made landmark.
c. The ancestors might be very exhausted when building this temple.
d. There should be an elevator to reach the top of it.

15. What is the closest meaning of "magnificent"?
a. incredible
b. valuable
c. precious
d. unbelievable